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If you would like to learn more about my coaching or consulting services please contact me using the details below.
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+353 (0) 8686 28 605


Dublin, Ireland

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Ready to level up?

On this call we discuss your needs, my approach, and assess the mutual fit.

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“Purpose is something we can never take for granted; the moment we do, it starts to be forgotten and soon disappears.”
John Mackey

“ Jane’s compassion and wisdom was just what I needed – her coaching sessions provided an open space where I could find clarity and stillness. After only one session I was able to identify a recurring theme in my working life that was not supporting me, and immediately start to make changes, without becoming overwhelmed. While the strategies we used were simple and gentle, they ran deep and got to the heart of what was going on for me. That is Jane’s talent. ”
— Senior Speech & Language Therapist, HSE, Ireland

“ Together we worked on helping me gain more clarity and confidence in my direction, personally and professionally, to allow me to feel a greater sense of calm in where I am and where I’m heading in the short and longer-term. This has not only provided me with stronger foundations and direction for both my professional and personal life, but it’s also given me a valuable toolkit that I am using every day to work towards my goals. ”
— Marketing Manager, London